Sr. DeMolay Prudence Chapter, Algona, IA
Initiated into DeMolay 1994
Legion of Honor, Active
Degree of Chevalier
Iowa DeMolay MVP
Algona High School
University of Northern Iowa
Des Moines Area Community College
I have taken a winding path - college, law enforcement and government work, then into public utilities. There simply is not a career track for what I do - I have written my last three job descriptions. Along the way, I have done some fun things - rappelling off buildings, hanging out in burning buildings and traveling extensively. What you did yesterday and plan to do today shape tomorrow – a bit of work and creativity have paid off for me.
I co-chair an industry transportation committee that coordinates movement of huge pieces of machinery. Taking leadership across North America means I travel extensively - 20 states and three countries in the last three years talking to thousands of people. The DeMolay experience is a huge resource in listening, building coalitions and then driving forward.
Meeting a guy named Brad Reichardt in my chapter meeting, later to be State Master Councilor. Brad did not tie his dress shoes, which I found odd at the time. 20-plus years later, I was making fun of him recently about not tying his shoes that day. I would not have some of the rich, enduring friendships in my life without DeMolay. And one of my DeMolay buddies joined our local Masonic Lodge last year, which made him a double fraternity brother.
DeMolay built or at least polished my strong points in my formative years - public speaking, teamwork and engaging people. Tradition and reverence for history are parts of DeMolay that resonated for me 20+ years ago and are still a big part of me. The best part is my friends from DeMolay are still friends today.