Battle of the Seven Candles - Previous Program


Introductory Story


In a land far from our own, there existed three highly respected houses that maintained a peace among them that rested on a sword’s edge. Generations of allegiances between the houses have kept the peace, but there has been increasing unrest between the houses because the homeland of these houses provided enough resources to maintain their numbers, but did not allow them room to grow and fully prosper. The three houses, that have existed for thousands of years, are at risk of being overrun by upstart houses and competition due to lack of resources, land, and people, which has made the situation supremely dire. 


One day, an elderly traveler arrived in the land. His robe was ragged and threadbare and his face was hidden by a large hood that only exposed a grisly beard extending to his waist. He spoke to no one, so the houses decided to convene a Conclave to investigate the peculiar character. After much questioning the traveler spoke and his booming voice felt like it had split the sky as it filled their hall. He wove a tale of his travels through a remote location bordered by two great rivers, one on the eastern edge and one on the western edge, with many other tributaries feeding them between. The land was lush and full of resources to allow their houses to grow and prosper. His oratoration described how the rivers cut and formed the land into seven distinct kingdoms where the people of each area seemed dedicated to different virtues and lived in peace similar to the land occupied by these houses, but lived without a king to unite and govern them.


The first kingdom was well known for their close knit family structure and their ability to protect their children and community with a zeal unseen by the orator in all of his traveling. They embodied the ancient command of, “Honor thy father and thy mother”.


The second contained people that revered the traditions of their ancestors and the sacredness of all faiths. This kingdom was very diverse with numerous different faiths living in harmony with each other.


The third was a place where the people exuded kindness and generosity to anyone they encountered. The traveler noted that his felt at home with every person he encountered and their helpfulness never felt coerced by his presence.


The fourth kingdom was extremely dedicated to their fellowmen. They held their brotherhood and camaraderie in such high regard that they even defend it above all else until their death.


The fifth comprised a people of such loyalty and devotion that if you were given promise by the people of this kingdom, you knew that they would not falter in maintaining their word. These people possessed a word that was a good as their bond.


The sixth region was unique. The people there had a pureness that prevented them from doing evil deeds and speaking ill of the world. These people knew that their virtuous lives would be the best foundation for them to fully live their lives.  


The seventh and last kingdom was a place so respectful of their military and the sacrifices of their people in forging their land into a place of prosperity despite the difficulties of the terrain. However, these people were more inclined to maintain peace then to be the first group to start a war.


The traveler then produced an aged and worn roll of parchment that contained a map of the described land. The houses were stunned and in awe at the potential of what the traveler had described and by what they saw contained on the map. It was as if their prayers had been answered and the ability to expand and live a better life had been set at their feet on a silver platter. The last words spoken by the traveler told of a legend in the seven kingdoms that a king would arrive from a distant land that would unite them and bring about a level of prosperity never experienced in their lands. After this, the traveler said no more and would not move from this position, so the leaders departed the hall with uncertainty and skepticism regarding the messages the traveler had provided.


The next morning the mysterious traveler had vanished as if into thin air, but his map remained in the spot he had spoken his auspicious message. Unable to interrogate the visitor any further about this distant land, the individual houses retired to their compounds and decided the best move for each house. After much deliberation, the leaders of each house knew that they could not pass on the opportunity to improve the lives of their subjects, and elected to send a small group of their most experienced soldiers along with one of the most senior advisors of the house to investigate this land and claim its kingdoms by demonstrating their values, beliefs, virtues, and worth to the people of each kingdom. The groups were each instructed to gain the individual kingdoms by proving their worth to the people of the land not only on the battlefield, but on the perpetual battlefields of life with their actions off the battlefield.

The groups from each house departed their homeland knowing the fight between their forces and that of the other houses for this treasured land would be fierce and arduous, but each knew they could win the battles with strength, wisdom, and resilience.


Welcome to the Battle of the Seven Candles.




Task Points
 1st Line Sign Petition 75
Bring Prospect to Event 25
Founder's Membership Award 100
Blue Honor Key 300


Ceremonial Work
Task Points
Initiatory Degree - State Event 20
DeMolay Degree - State Event 20
Proficiency - Initiatory Obs. 25
Proficiency - DeMolay Obs. 25
Win All-Star Competition 50
Qualifying Score at All-Star 25
Perform Cermony of Light 150
Perform Flower Talk 150


Task Points
Attend State Event 25
Attend Home Chapter Event 5
Attend Non-Home Chapter Event 10


Task Points
Representative DeMolay 150
Complete LCC 1 10
Complete LCC 2 20
Complete LCC 3 30
Complete LCC 4 40
Complete LCC 5 50
Recieve Lamp of Knowledge 50
Make/Participate in DeMolay Presentation at Local Lodge 100


The Executive Officer may also award and deduct points at his discretion.



House Dire Wolf

Motto: Stalk Amongst The Corn



House Viper

Motto: Float Like A Butterfly, Strike Like A Viper



House Dragon Fire

Motto: Fly High with Our Eyes on the Prize


Rankings & Point Range


War of the Wardens Story

House Dire Wolf supplied the ten best soldiers they could spare. The group crossed a mighty river and landed near Crackclaw Point, which their map indicated was in the Gycia Kingdom. The people of Crackclaw Point were impressed with the visitors and were immediately reminded of the sacred prophecy, which they believed their company would fulfill. News spread quickly throughout the Gycia Kingdom and the Blackwater Rush and Cyclopes Territories quickly rallied behind House Dire Wolf, committing all of the Gycia Kingdom to their cause. House Dire Wolf seized this momentum and elected to move to the West rallying all the territories of the Sevayvia Kingdom to their side.


House Viper provided their ten most celebrated conscripts. They walked across a wide open grassland and crossed into a land the people referred to as the Kingfisher Territory of the Romavek Kingdom. The inhabitants of the Romavek Kingdom were initially suspicious of their new settlers, but their concerns were quickly dispelled when their new occupants helped restore and improve villages after a major storm. Word of this resourcefulness made its way through the Romavek Kingdom, which convinced the Northwest and Griffin Territories to commit their banners to House Viper. After securing the Romavek Kingdom, the members of House Viper pushed South and East, gaining the people of the Freel Territory, Coffman Territory, and Green Bloods to their cause.


House Dragon Fire departed their home with ten of their fearsome fighters and this band forded a wide, but shallow river and encroached upon the Dragon Lair Territory of the Dalarian Kingdom. The House believed the name of this territory was an excellent omen for their success. The population of the Dragon Lair was immediately enamored with the Dragon Fire clan. They believed that a Dragon should rule their kingdom and all of the land and that the fates had finally given them their wish. This good fortune continued as the Three Towers and Upper Dalarian Territories rallied behind them, giving complete control of the Dalarian Kingdom to House Dragon Fire. Then, the Dragon Fire members went exploring to the North and obtained the allegiance of the Stoney Shore and Centeral Territory.


It soon became apparent as the houses progressed into new lands that they could see the banners of their longtime rivals just over the hills and valleys on the horizon. Each house realized that the game had changed and would now require more finesse and skill in addition to strength in order to succeed in the Battle of the Seven Candles.



Battle Map


Challenge Results

House Dragonfire from Centeral Terrority versus House Viper at Griffin Terrority: House Viper Defended Griffin Terrority

House Direwolf from Crackclaw Point versus House Viper at The Wasteland Terrority: House Viper Defended The Wasteland Terrority

House Dragonfire from Three Towers Terrority versus House Direwolf at Silver Hill Terrority: House Dragonfire Succeeded in Capturing Silver Hill Terrority

House Dragonfire from Stoney Shore Terrority versus House Viper at Griffin Terrority: House Viper Defended Griffin Terrority

House Viper from Griffin Terrority versus House Dragonfire at Stoney Shore Terrority: House Viper Succeeded in Capturing Stoney Shore Terrority

House Direwolf from Cracklaw Point Terrority Overpowered House Viper at Green Bloods Terrority

House Dragonfire from Upper Dalarian Terrority Overpowered House Viper at Stoney Shore Terrority

House Direwolf from Reichardt Terrority Overpowered House Viper at The Wasteland Terrority

House Dragonfire from Centeral Terrority Overpowered House Viper at Freel Terrority

House Viper from Skaggos Terrority Overpowered House Direwolf at Green Bloods Terrority


Story Conclusion

The members of houses Dire Wolf, Dragon Fire, and Viper had explored this new land and had encountered each other at every turn, much like in their homeland and they knew that this issue could only be settled in one way: a battle of champions.

The houses assembled at the confluence of the Reichardt Territory, Freel Territory, and Coffman Territory and each sent forth their leader for final battle.

Just before the first blows were struck the elderly traveler with his ragged and threadbare robe and hidden face with the grisly beard extending to his waist suddenly appeared in the middle of the champions and everyone immediately stopped. 

"What is the meaning of this display!?!?" the mysterious traveler bellowed for all to hear. There was a silence among the group and then a murmur of the leadership legend began to surface in the crowd and caught the attention of the leader.

"This is how you have all decided to declare a winner?" remarked the orator. This perplexed the man and then he asked the gathered crowd a series of questions.

"Which of your houses explored the majority of this land?" The members of House Viper began to cheer.

Then he declared, "Which of your houses refused to be pushed out of this land despite repeated challenges?" The members of House Dragon Fire began to cheer.

After which he asked, "Which of your houses grew the most in numbers in this new land?" The members of House Dire Wolf began to cheer.

Lastly, he requested, "Which of your houses believes that this land can support the members of your homeland as well as those not in your house?" This question blindsided the crowd and after many moments of thought everyone began to loudly cheer.

"That is the correct answer my friends. We must all write our own legends with our actions that represent our seven virtues in this land" proclaimed the mediator and with the conclusion of his statement the individual disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared.

A peace settled among the battle gathered crowd and the selected champions began to discuss among themselves a way to govern without declaring a sole victor and realize all that they had learned in this new land and all the work that they had left undone.